Org. Website:
Org. Email:
Head Office: 6 Sesay Lane, Off Sesay Drive, Lakka, Goderich Peninsula
Freetown Sierra Leone
Contact: 088872692
Sub Office: 3 Ballie Drive Water Works Road Port Loko City
Contact: 030087623/034391577
Fruitful Health Care SL Inc. Is a humanitarian, development, rights-based
organization, without religious, political, or governmental affiliation?
Community-based programming and health care are the basis of our operations.
Fruitful Health Care SL was founded as a voluntary organization by a small group of
well-meaning Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora. Its establishment came about as
growing concern of the underprivileged and marginalized Sierra Leoneans over the
growing spate of impoverished living conditions. This concern transformed into
concrete action when the organization’s pioneers organized themselves and
started targeting their attention on the poor standard of living of the country’s
citizens. It was from this humble beginning that Fruitful Health Care SL has been
able to carve itself a niche for its current development approach. The organization
has since been transformed into a Non-governmental Organization.
An empowered and nationalistic Sierra Leonean People, working towards peace
and development, with equitable access to the country’s resources, equal access to
facilities and opportunities, and upholding respect for human dignity.
Is to contribute towards improving the lives of our women, children, and their
communities through driving sustainable development solutions in areas of health,
education, and agriculture for people living in abject poverty by transforming their
lives in the society they lived in.
❖ Improved Health
❖ Education
❖ Agriculture
❖ Youth Empowerment
❖ Livelihood Support
Fruitful Health Care SL strives to build capacities for positive behavior and attitude
change and holistic inclusion towards peace, human rights, and development in
and across communities in Sierra Leone through a process that empowers people
and adds value to their lives by:
Working in collaborative partnership with the relevant stakeholders and
other organizations to achieve the goal of empowering people.
Advocating for policy change.
Initiating community empowerment drives.
Promoting the rights and interests of disadvantaged people.
Achieving Food Security through sustainable agriculture
To see that Community Food Security is attained through economically and
environmentally sustainable food system that promotes community
self-reliance achieved.
Empowering communities for sustainable development & wellbeing
Seeking to break the cycle of poverty and empower communities to take
charge of their own development.
❖Fruitful Health Care believes in working with efficiency, time and long term
❖Fruitful Health Care believes in the power of committed individual and
organization who want to contribute to sustainable development.
❖Fruitful Health Care believes in self-help participation and identifying ones
❖Fruitful Health Care believes that every human being must live a good quality
of life.
❖Fruitful Health Care believes in strict accountability of all resources, funds
and materials.
❖Fruitful Health Care works to unite staffs towards achieving the mission by
providing an attractive working environment and helping them in developing
their careers and personal talents as well as security for employment.
❖Fruitful Health Care works within government policies to achieve goals that
effect positive changes on the lives of children especially the girl child,
women, youths and other vulnerable groups.
Abu Bakarr George Bockarie Sillah